Partners are the core of the revenue ecosystem.

Clari’s strategic integrations help revenue teams become more connected and efficient.


Google Workspace

Automatically capture your email and calendar activity from Google Workspace in Clari.


Automatically capture your email and calendar activity from Google Workspace to build a repeatable revenue process.


Automated email, meeting, and contact capture

Sales reps no longer have to log emails, meetings, and contacts into CRM.

Activity and relationship insights

Understand how your business is trending. The automated activity and contact data captured by Clari presents users with intelligent activity and relationship insights.

Integration Diagrams

For Metadata-only mode, the email metadata stored and displayed in the product is email subject, attachment filenames (if present), sender email address, to/cc/bcc email addresses, and sent time. The meeting metadata stored and displayed is meeting subject, start and end time, attendee email addresses, meeting location, filenames of attachments to meeting invite, whether or not the meeting is an all-day event.

For Email and Meeting Body Indexing mode, email data stored and displayed in the product is email subject, attachment filenames (if present), sender email address, to/cc/bcc email addresses, sent time, email Body content (opt-in). The meeting data stored and displayed in the product is meeting subject, start and end time, attendee email addresses, meeting location, filenames of attachments to meeting invite, whether the meeting is an all-day event, meeting Body content (opt-in). 



Google Workspace
Google Workspace

